
How Christmas Becomes Cozy and Green


Matthias Martensen


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Christmas, the festival of reflection, is traditionally celebrated in Germany a home.

We spend a lot of time with our family and give each other presents which lie beneath the Christmas tree. But while the tree is green under the ornaments, the environmental balance at Christmas is unfortunately the opposite due to travel and increased electricity consumption.

Fairy lights and kitchen appliances are power guzzlers.

During the dark season around December 24, fairy lights bring a beautiful atmosphere to our living rooms. Although these are cheap to buy, they increase our electricity costs. Especially lamps with power supply consume electricity even when switched off. Intensive use of kitchen appliances also leads to a higher electricity bill.

Your top 3 electricity tips for Christmas:

1. Use energy-saving LED lamps
2. Switch off appliances after use and unplug them from the mains.
3. Compare your provider

Many Germans get their electricity from the expensive basic supplier. In addition to inflated bills, they unfortunately also receive electricity from resources that are harmful to the environment.
Additional energy saving tips can be found here.

Green Christmas. Smart. Fair.

In order to prevent environmental damage despite increased electricity consumption, it is advisable to switch to a green electricity provider. Despite the energy transition, most electricity providers still supply you with electricity from fossil fuels. The good news is that you, as the end customer, can actively opt for genuine green electricity. This increases the pressure on energy producers to promote the expansion of renewable energies.

When you switch to Ostrom, you're actively contributing to the energy transition. The more people support our mission, the faster the energy transition becomes a reality. With us, you get 100% green electricity including a certificate of origin.

Der Wechsel muss nicht teuer sein - berechne deine Ersparnis gegenüber deinem aktuellen Stromanbieter in unserem Tarifrechner here.

Everything for a green Christmas.