
Ostrom Price Adjustment January 2024: Adjusting the Electricity Price for Our Customers


Karl Villanueva & Niklas Hirmke


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📉 Due to various changes taking effect in 2024, the vast majority of Ostrom customers will see a price decrease!

Overall, most customers experience price decreases due to reduced electricity costs, which are partially offset by increased grid fees and other subsidies. Ostrom’s constant 6 € fee remains unaffected.

  • 📉 Power prices (Stromerzeugungskosten) have continued to decrease.
  • 📉 Certificates of origin (Herkunftsnachweise) have also decreased in price since last year.
  • 🙂 Our one fair, flat Ostrom fee of 6 € stays the same.
  • 📈 Grid fees (Netzgebühren) have increased nationwide for all providers, in particular due to a canceled government subsidy.
  • 📈 Contributions and subsidies (Steuern und staatliche Abgaben) were adapted at the beginning of the year, with an overall impact of 0.209 ct/kWh.

Adjustment of Grid Fees & Taxes for 2024

Levies & Fees 2023 2024
Electricity tax 2.05 ct/kWh 2.05 ct/kWh
KWKG-levy 0.36 ct/kWh 0.28 ct/kWh
Offshore grid-levy 0.59 ct/kWh 0.66 ct/kWh
StromNEV-levy 0.42 ct/kWh 0.64 ct/kWh

Source: ISPEX & Bundesnetzagentur

Additional Details

As we always value transparency for our customers, below are additional details on each point.

Power Prices (Stromerzeugungskosten)

We see that the continued push towards renewables as well as in particular lower gas prices have helped to lower energy prices further from the 2022 peaks and the 2023 levels. For more data, see EEX exchange prices.

Certificates of Origin (Herkunftsnachweise)

Due to record production of renewables last year, the price for certificates of origin have witnessed a significant downward trend.

Grid Fees (Netzgebühren)

Every year the grid fees are reassesed by the local grid providers which resulted in an increase. Furthermore the grid fees for the transmission grid (Übertragungsnetz) increased from 3.12 ct/kWh to 6.43 ct/kWh due to the government’s decision to cancel planned grid subsidies of 5.5 billion €. As it was up to all local grid operators to pass on this increase, some local grid operators decided to not fully pass on this change. For more info, see this Handelsblatt article.

Contributions and Subsidies (Steuern und staatliche Abgaben)

The same budget discussion also led to an adjustment of the StromNEV levy, one of the government fees on energy, which is increasing by 0.226 ct/kWh. The Offshore grid levy increased from 0.591 ct/kWh to 0.656 ct/kWh — a total of 0.065 ct/kWh. In contrast to that the KWKG levy has been decreased by 0.082 ct/kWh. In total this makes for an increase of 0.209 ct/kWh. You can find more details about it in this article from the Bundesnetzagentur and this explainer from ISPEX.

Everything Ostrom

Our team at Ostrom appreciates your continued support for our shared green energy mission! Here is a reminder of our live products and features.

  • SimplyDynamic tariff: Benefit from hourly dynamic prices and save up to 35% on your energy bill.
  • Smart Meter: No smart meter yet? No problem! Order one through Ostrom.
  • Ostrom Store: Find smart home devices in our Ostrom Store and get discounts by using your referral code.
  • Smart HVAC: Whether you have a heat pump or a smart thermostat, optimize your energy and cost savings with the Ostrom App.
  • Solar Integration: Made the move to solar? Integrate your system into our Ostrom App
  • Smart EV Charging: Got an electric vehicle? Save on overnight charging with our dynamic tariff and optimization.
  • THG Quote: Save on the paperwork and let Ostrom handle your THG Quote. You could get up to 300 €.
  • And as always with Ostrom, you get an all-digital experience with our Ostrom App, outstanding, multilingual customer support and the feel-good-feeling that you’re running on 100% green energy!